After the whole Halloween pageant fiasco, even though Scout and Jem are harshly attacked by Bob Ewell, Scout is not afraid one bit. The only thing that she is really concerned about is if her brother is okay or not. She repeatedly asks the doctor if Jem is dead. Another thing she becomes concerned about is Boo Radley. After she spots him for the first time, she questions why her brother and herself only took the presents from Boo, and never gave him anything back. She feels really guilty about it, especially after she learns that he saved her and Jem, and that he carried Jem home. After she walks with Boo to his house she stands on his porch and looks around. She looks at her neighborhood very closely. I believe that Harper Lee chose to end the book with Scout looking at the town from this vantage point because she sees the neighborhood as Boo has seen it for this entire time.

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