I can see the point in Miss Maudie is trying to make. If someone reads the Bible it is typically a good thing. But, it can become a bad thing if someone takes the information the wrong way or if they discriminate against other people's beliefs. Religious discrimination can make people blind, ignorant, and intolerant of others. Quite like the way than an alcohol addiction affects a person. Also, they will deny that they have any problem whatsoever. All in all, the Bible is a great thing. But, only if you know how to remain yourself with your belief and information.
    When Boo Radley was younger he was a nice boy who just hung out with the wrong people. He was in the wrong crowd and his friends and him often experimented with alcohol and got drunk. One night when they had been drinking, he and his friends stole a flivver (automobile). The judge wanted to send all of them to a reform school, but Boo's father told him that if he wasn't sent away, he would keep his son in line. So, when all of his friends were sent away, he got to stay home. But, his father would never leave the house. For 15 years he was kept in his home as a prisoner. Although Boo made a bad choice, he did not deserve what the punishment he received. He should have been able to leave his house, and slowly gain his freedom back as his behavior got better.